…this interview is a must-watch since it opens up some overlooked perspecties.
Politician no.3 yells back: “We are doing our best!”
People now know, how they are supposed not to own anything and be happy by the 2030.
Approximately half of the population refuses the jab.
… and some other important victories for the Slovenian people.
“The idea is to gather at least 50 thousand signatures of support from the people.”
Because at the end of the day breathing is essential, isn’t it?
Protestors demand public meeting with President of the Republic Borut Pahor.
The movement raised some noise, and it looks like even the mainstream media will give this theme some of the airtime.
They answered that they aim to store as many samples as possible.
‘A protest everybody wanted to prevent.’
“The cumulative evidence of widespread deception on the part of vaccine experts and advocates is enormous. That presented in this essay series alone is sufficient grounds for strong distrust.”
“… a basis for identifying and studying the principal strategies used by the vaccine apologists…”. PDF of the essay available.
“… created something so outrageous and tried to pass it off as real is because so many other vaccinationists cited…”
“Once again, the relevant vaccines were introduced long after this steep decline in mortality.”
“While notifications of incidence data is generally more favorable to the vaccines than is the death data, some notifications of incidence data is still simply not favorable to the vaccines.”
“In contrast to the Vaccine Evangelists telling you about the historical data, the approach of the Apostates is to plot the data on a graph and show it to you. That difference (telling you about the data vs showing it to you) is revealing.”
“Vaccine Apostates have debunked, and continue to debunk the Vaccine Evangelists’ sermons.”
“Temporal authorities force upon the populace the belief systems that they control and that they use to justify their power,…”
“the counter protesters and police sallied forth to subdue the rabble of unruly peasants, putting them back in their proper place firmly under the thumb of the authorities.”
“Christians today could be responsible, they could delegitimize authoritarianism, and they could undermine power structures,…”
O izobraževanju na domu. A zakonodaja se prepleta, zato sta v članku omenjeni tudi drugi dve domnevno problematični skupini staršev in ostali z vsem tem povezani koncepti, ki ne se ponavadi ne omenjajo v povezavi z izobraževanjem na domu.
“Izobraževanje na domu predstavlja alternativo javnemu šolskemu sistemu, ravno tako kot zasebne šole.”
V Sloveniji so leta 1998 začeli trajno hraniti vzorce krvi novorojenčkov.
Mednarodna politična aktivnost za protiutež WHO (SZO) pandemijske politike je predmet cenzure v Sloveniji.
Razumevanje prekarstva je ključ ali pa eden izmed ključev družbenih sprememb.
»Sploh ne vemo kaj je v izpustih«, »Pogoji dela so zelo težki«
Glede na meritve iz leta 2019 podjetje presega uredbo mejnih vrednosti.
»Naj se v LJ zgodi Prebold. POVEJ NAPREJ tudi TI.«
CI nasprotuje ideji širitve podjetja na tej lokaciji. Za proizvodnjo enoto na Radni, podjetje nima okoljevarstvenega dovoljenja.
»Priznavanje prebolelosti na podlagi serološke preiskave predvideva tudi Uredba EU.«
Prepovedani intervju o medicini, ki »v glavnem prinaša več škode kot koristi«.