'The Wizard of Davos' pt. 2
Last year, we followed magical creatures; Elf girl Dorothy; her dog, Toto; Lion; Scarecrow; and Tinman as they set their way to the Wizard of Davos. Their mission turned out to be of the highest political importance on a global level because they became the fiercest advocates of freedom of humanity and nature against a totalitarian takeover over humanity, nature, and magical creatures by machines that started in the last year, 2020.
Protagonists of the story strategically settled their discourse while approaching the mysterious city of Davos, known for its hosting of World Economic Forum (WEF) event in January every year in the last half of the century. In Davos, there is also a home of a supposedly powerful wizard, whereas MSM’s legendary stories of his hocus-pocus mesmerised the people in every corner of the Earth.
Eager to speak against the globalist idea of privatisation of nature and about cavil of technologisation, they walked the journey full of adventures. Sometimes, it looked like they might get lost due to the distractions settled by the AI-commanded city guards that kept a close eye on the city’s entrance and the surrounding area. But eventually, at the beginning of the year 2021, they managed to reach Davos.
While on the yellow brick road - lured to THE poppy field
While they were somewhere close to Davos, they were lured to the poppy field, and they hardly crossed it due to the terrible tiredness as a consequence of the plants’ overwhelming essence.
“I’m so tired and sleepy,” yawned Elf girl Dorothy in the middle of the field, “I don’t even know anymore what we’re doing here.”
“All of this is exhausting and somehow similar to the official technocratic propaganda,” said Scarecrow and half-way woke up his companions, who were stunned by his advanced analytical thinking.
They were all happy for him because his great wish to use the brains finally came true, and they realised they are on a trip full of wonders. Before that, and as described in the previous text, Lion’s wish to gain courage came true, and so did Tinman’s wish to have a heart. The realisation that together they have all the successful attributes presentation when in Davos made them determined to get off that hypnotic field that made them so somnolent.
Image by: GeorgeB2, Pixabay
Scarecrow continued, “Mainstream propaganda has a similar effect on people who are nowadays entranced into some passive state of mind. Even if they find discrepancies in the official narrative, they are too tired to oppose and stand up for their rights. I mean, check this corona narrative; it’s full of totalitarian agenda and lacking open public debate and not to mention also an evidence of the isolation of the virus called Sars-CoV-2. Still, people blindly follow even if there are contradictions in given orders. They are subjected to the propaganda’s process of manufacturing consent instrumentalised by globalists. Who, by-the-way, are to be found in Davos as well.”
“You’re right,” summarised Lion, “the MSM’s brainwashing makes them isolated and somehow lost or scared. They have to stay awake, and we have to ask the Wizard of Davos for help.”
“What if the Wizard of Davos isn’t as good as the media presents him?” asked Scarecrow. “Really, when I think of it, why did we even consider that he would be on our side of the history?”
“You have a point. But maybe it doesn’t even matter… just like going to Davos doesn’t matter,” stated Tinman. “All that counts is the presentation of our views of global politics. Our proposed ideas will be our holy grail - our founding stone for further development of our visions.”
“Agreed. It’s essential to politically express our views, connect, organise on the local and global level and navigate our ideas. If we don’t find the WEF’s agenda, ‘The Great Reset,’ suitable, we can co-create ‘our’ The Greater Reset, or even a Greatest Reset.”
Image by Roman Grac, Pixabay
The dog, Toto, paid a bit of attention when they mentioned the ‘Greater or even Greatest Reset’ as he barked in agreement. Otherwise, he wasn’t keen on listening to their intellectual debate. Hence, he was day-dreaming high on the poppy’s essence. The idea of Greatest Reset sounded exactly the right thing to do and therefore worthy of attention because all this so-called New Normal didn’t appear exactly Normal to him. The world has stopped, and everything that mattered anymore was complicated coronavirus statistics. Schools and businesses were closed, public life was cancelled, and people were suspended of basic human rights. This madness had to end.
Almost as if she read his mind, Elf girl Dorothy exclaimed, “People just accept the official narrative because of the fearmongering around this virus. I also vote for a greater reset than the one proposed by the WEF.”
“Everybody should resist,” Lion was determined and had courageously foreseen a definite success.
“But people are not organised yet,” doubted Tinman. “And they tend to accept various polarised discourses, and consequently, they argue each other a lot, instead of connecting, also in a political sense. They should dive deep into themselves and also search there for an answer or two. I’m not saying something like a political meditation is the only way, but it can help connect people. Maybe even to the point that they declare that ideas are virus-proof or something like that,” added Tinman.
At that point, they were almost across the opiate field, and the AI-driven propaganda drones were seen at a distance, guarding the borders of Davos on the outside of the captivating field.
The propaganda drones
A loud noise came from the hologram television broadcasted by a drone: “Coronavirus statistic is at the spike. The double mask is mandatory everywhere outside of your home. A gathering of more than five persons is forbidden from this moment, and authorities introduce curfew at 8 pm. Government officials realise that citizens hate these measures. Nobody is sure if they even work, but we have to have them. To add, nobody is sure if these measures are justified and constitutional and if the coronavirus statistic is unmanipulated. It might all be just a political game. Who knows, and who could defy anyway?”
“Officials also realise that there is a huge chaos caused with the corona measures, but trust them with their plan to ‘build back better.’”
“When they talk about building back better,” impatiently remarked Elf girl Dorothy, “they actually promote transhumanistic vision with privatisation of nature as their economic model. It’s a green idea on the outside. Still, the fact about digitalisation and technologisation is that human beings connected to AI in a centralised system are subjected to mandatory vaccination and other medical procedures.”
“It sounds like a total loss of freedom,” Tinman hurried with an answer. “But people will wake up,” he added.
“I guess,” Scarecrow said, “but what if they don’t?”
“I’m not eager about this COVID-19 vaccine based on mRNA technology. Who knows what side-effects there might be?”
“And don’t forget the loss of privacy if the globalists’ agenda unfolds,” Lion warned.
“To wear or not wear a mask really has become a Hamletian question of the modern time,” concluded Scarecrow. “Anyway, people should as well do their version of ‘building back better.”
Reaching the gates of Davos, they were confronted with a demand to wear masks, but they refused and demanded diplomatic passage. They had everything on paper, so the guards had to let them through.
The meeting over there was just about internet censorship as an important aspect of solving the coronavirus crisis. They realised that a word on that meeting in progress is far more important than searching the mysterious Wizard of Davos; at least for the beginning and if there even is a wizard over there.
And they started:
“No, that’s so wrong in so many ways,” Lion bravely started, “people need to defend their basic human rights and liberties with the freedom of speech as one of the most important aspects.”
“We are aware of your transhumanistic vision of the 4th industrial revolution, but humanity should have the freedom to choose,” added Tinman. “Take it from me, I have barely found my heart, and I don’t want to lose it again with degradation to a plain robotic level. A good heart and free soul are everything.”
“And a good immune system is also essential,” continued Scarecrow. “And there is no reason whatsoever to mandate medical whatever. Everybody should have an option of free and informed consent in this sense. But we know that vaccination plan is also a program for centralised digitalised identification…”
Elf girl Dorothy stated, “Humanity shouldn’t be enslaved in the name of a profit. There is no place like our planet-home, Earth. And people oppose losing their freedom and humanity as well. It’s essential to re-think food and economic system, technologization and different nations should re-think their constitutions. If the proposed Great Reset doesn’t go with humanity’s ideas, people can have their Greater Reset…”
*To be continued. Maybe.
Image at the top: Bingo Naranjo, Pixabay