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‘The Wizard of Davos’, pt. 3

As evident from the last report, in the year 2022, our fairlytales political agents continued their journey to Davos. Against all odds, they managed to reach its ideological core. It was rocky, especially due to the treacherous think-tanks of the political and intellectual “left”, that supposedly represent the people, but has now sided with the transhumanistic-corporate side more openly than ever before.


The fake-left

Not long after their arrival through the gates and crashing the meeting last year, the supposed leftist demanded their arrest on the charge of fraudulent diplomatic papers. The Davos’ ideological gatekeepers found it highly disturbing that the opinion of the trespassers was already broadcasted on air. The meeting they crashed was broadcasted live. Outrage! Catastrophe! Lion’s praises of human rights and liberties and also the freedom of speech, were now out in the open, offering the unwelcomed thinking point. Tinman’s words against robotisation and Scarecrow’s thinking about an immune system. What on earth will people make of this? Will they want to have the immune system too? Weren’t these creatures supposed to be scared, stupid and incompetent? And that peasant girl, Dorothy the Elf Girl, stealing the air time and reaching every home on the planet with the idea of a free humanity, and that it’s essential to re-think food and economic system, technologization? And different nations should re-think their constitutions? And worst of all, she even managed to vocalise, ‘they don’t want our Great Reset, they are planning a better one, a Greater Reset.’ De trop! Intolerable!

Of course, the real problem for the supposed left are not strong arguments in aforementioned expressed opinions. As far as anyone could be concerned, in their mind, the real problem was the fact that the free-minded imposters obviously entered Davos with fake documents. The supposed left can be sure about that even with guessing – it’s just the way it is. From supposed left to right, it’s all about blocking anyone without the proper background would i.e. wrong ideas to enter Davos. Catch 22. Plus, forgery is a serious offence, and that would take the attention of the ideas of that horrible group of freedom advocates. Another Catch 22. What matters is the fact they, the supposed left, are there for the people. Unless that’s one of the most crucial Catch 22.

Freedom truckers

As the news about the arrest of our fairlytales heroes circled the globe, we were positively surprised by the truce between the general public and the other fairytale creatures. In 2020, prior to the AI’s push for totalitarian world domination, there was a dispute and fairytale creatures were casted out of the public sphere. The fact that no one wants to be herded to vaccination and forced to accept covid-ID united them all.

The truckers worldwide with the support of the general population decided to enter Davos, to rescue the political prisoners and to put an end to globalist’s transhumanistic ideas starting with corona mandates. The Canadian route to Davos turned out as a possibility for universal model of resistance. The government there tried to sweep everything under the rug and mislabelled the convoy as “a fringe minority” and even “Nazies”, but their tactic wasn’t very convincing. Contrary to logic, they didn’t give up with “the convincing”, instead they have started with arrests and have plans to freeze financial assets of everyone that financially supported the truckers convoy. Instead of being convinced into government’s legal stance, one might be convinced about the existence of totalitarian government that also leans to a totalitarian one world government.

The Canadian government is certainly not the only one with the idea to crush the protesters’ movement. The movement against humiliating and controlling mandates started to take off in America and Europe.

It’s not working class against intelligentsia, it’s united people against fake-left and against corporate neocon world order. It might be: “the most important battle in history,” because of everything in connection.

“Hackable animals” or free people?

Humanity is at a turning point, or perhaps we could also say at crossroads. Some plan a future where people would be nothing more than “hackable animals”, while others professionally and legally challenge the covid pandemic policy as a crime against humanity.

Miraculous vaccine might not be so great after all, and people are waking up to the fact what’s in the plan and are opposing in apparently much greater numbers, MSM show.

Still, the plandemic virus is not the only problem. There are also cards of global warming, terrorist attacks and a possible economical collapse in the globalist’s sleeves. But the freedom ideas are now everywhere, it’s quite impossible to stop them. People now know, how they are supposed not to own anything and be happy by the 2030 and it doesn’t seem anybody is particularly fond of it.

Definitely very turbulent times. Even if today “the sands of time” seems to “stands still” according to the date 22nd of 2nd (February) 2022.

Will we find out what happpened to the imprisoned fairytales creatures?

Cover photo: GeorgeB2, Pixabay


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