Coronavirus as Agent Chaos

Coronavirus as Agent Chaos

📷: Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

So far, in 2020, we have had quite a few events that were somehow significant on a global scale. The World has gone from back and forth of the brink of WW3 to the threat of a worldwide pandemic. Considering this, the conversation ‘how to survive the 21st century’ at the World Economic Forum 2020 in Davos, does not have too apocalyptic a title.

If we look at the recent outbreak of Coronavirus in China (Novel coronavirus or 2019-nCoV) in a possible correlation with ecology (not in the sense of theory of global warming), we can conclude that we are close to a peak point of emergency at all levels discussed in the aforementioned conference panel (possibilities of nuclear war, ecological collapse and technological disruptions). We could add economic, especially inequality crisis, but ironically, it appears they left out this theme as probably the most urgent type of discourse.

Coronavirus - etymology

If we disregard its biological aspect, to discuss the virus only through a humanistic perspective, there might be one or two interesting points.

If we check the etymology of the word corona, we find that ‘corona’ origins from the Latin word corona which means ‘a crown or garland’. Therefore, we could interpret the naming of the virus as Coronavirus as a ‘crown or royal virus.’ Furthermore, in a symbolical sense, that could be seen as a powerful and persistent virus, possibly containing the characteristics of a variety of other infections.

It is either a coincidental or really accurate and somehow prescient name for what is possibly the most virulent virus (the particular type of virus in the group of Coronaviruses responsible for the recent outbreak in China) in recent history, rather like the king of all viruses or something similar. Of course, this is just symbolical mumbo jumbo, but it’s fascinating. Like the fact that it supposedly originates from a snake, which would in a shamanistic sense mean the sphere from where one could get potent poisons or their antidotes.

Civilisation is long past this kind of non-scientific approach, and today we have precise science with its reliable laboratories. Coronavirus as agent Chaos would be an exciting topic only for a cartoon, comic or work of science fiction wrapped up in a package with the conspiracy theory that the virus escaped or was released from some bio laboratory.

Chances of pandemic

The possibilities are that particular Coronavirus, which is the cause of the recent outbreak with the centre in Wuhan, China, is so virulent that we are potentially facing a global epidemic. We can find different scenarios; western mainstream media is mainly covering the theme with the tone of possible great danger. At the same time, we can find alternative opinions that question whether this virus is more dangerous than ordinary flu.

Actions of precautions would not be unwise. From videos from China, we see people wearing masks, which might be a good idea, even though on Russia Today in comparison with those masks they emphasised hygiene, in the sense of washing hands and coughing into a sweater.

Does coronavirus work like an agent Chaos? Spreading fear and state surveillance. Primarily in a geopolitical sense, with no necessary connection with its biological virulence.

Nevertheless, the quick spreading of the virus is also the consequence of the global economy. As noted by Dr Paul Craig Roberts, from the Institute for Political Economy, “globalism, a darling of neoliberals, endangers us all. The possible importation of pandemics is another external cost of the global economy.”

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