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Essays on vaccines: Interview with Jordan Henderson

In contrast to the increasingly more or less common criticism of medical theory, particularly in relation to covid policy, this interview is a must-watch since it opens up some overlooked perspecties. Jordan Henderson presents unique critical viewpoints and undoubtedly elevates the vaccine critical debate to a new level. He displays his paintings from the Corona painting series during the conversation. We then discuss his essays on vaccines, and he clarifies the idea behind them by identifying Vaccine Evangelists, Vaccine Apologetics, and Vaccine Apostates. To sum it all up, we end the conversation with geopolitical discussion.

Find essays here:

Available also on Odysee, here and Rumble, here.

Jordan Henderson lives in Washington State in the Northwest of the United States. He works in oil paints, and charcoals. A portfolio of his works can be viewed at either of his websites: Original Paintings – Fine Art Prints:, and here's his Substack profile:

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