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The Shadows of Covid-19 Measures

It’s highly debatable if the new coronavirus truly exists because it was never actually isolated according to some data. Still, whatever would be the status of its (non)existence, it’s important to re-think the measures in terms of the constitution of every country and terms of technologization. There never was an epidemic (nevertheless a pandemic) in the whole of history that would be largely handled with the digitalisation of everyday educational, working and social life. There is ongoing debate about the similarity between covid-19 measures and black psychiatry to which I would add that there might be some resemblance to the principles of the Roman-Catholic Church in the Middle Age.

Black psychiatry and covid policy

First things first, an expert in a field of psychopathology, psychology and anthropology, Dr Mila Alečković-Bataille, in a recent interview recorded by Eva K Bartlett, shared some important insights on the structure of the covid-19 measures. “All these covid-19 operations today, all over the world, is a kind of standing Milgram experiment,” stated Alečković-Bataille. The experiment showed how most participants followed illogical and cruel orders from authority even at the cost of torturing other participants with electric-shocks in a progressive way.

To paraphrase the words of Alečković-Bataille, we are not actors or participants in that experiment, we are real human beings. In terms of corona policy, we are permanently in a situation to be subjected to system’s manipulation with regards to the Milgram experiment. Corona measures consist of constant and daily switching from “white” to “black” perspective, to sensory, physical and psychological deprivation and perhaps also torture (known key-factors for confusing people and inducing states as fear, paranoia, schizophrenia, collective paranoia, therefore various psychological or psychopathological symptoms); and from lockdowns and mandatory masks to idiotic orders from the state actors.

Alečković-Bataille explains how the so-called black psychiatry is, in some sense, a part of social engineering; the latter is a much older practice that we would assume due to current modern naming. For an in-depth understanding of these concepts, one must be versed in psychoanalysing as well as social and behavioural psychology. When social engineering crosses the field of black psychiatry; this is referring to the abuse of psychological and psychopathological (scientific) laws and knowledge by means of experiments on human beings; whether carried by psychiatrists or other institutions, governments, individuals; and whether with or without acknowledgement of their roles in it. Black psychiatry is mainly about psychological conditioning and psychological manipulation of a human being in terms of degradation. As Alečković-Bataille sums it up, “experiments to test how far people can endure physical pain or humiliation (author’s note: psychological pain) and to what extent they conform to illogical or cruel commands.” It is also about “testing toxic substances on subjects,” therefore about physio-medical experimenting.

We should ask ourselves and our community, questions about the psychological profile of (different) governments, if we are enslaved under corona policy and if the same policy is using personality break-down techniques. If there is a grain of truth, then we are not far away from the Middle Age, when the rule of religious authority was more or less absolute.

Freedom is above the idea of collective health

The idea of collective health became absolute under corona policy. The most important humanistic point of view will probably be in question if the idea of collective health is superior to the freedom of an individual and of a society in general. Alečković-Bataille addresses this question in another interview and she firmly states that freedom is above the idea of collective health. Unfortunately this interview is not yet subtitled.

Echo from the roman-catholic rule in the Middle Age

If corona policy is de facto some political time-machine directed to the Dark Middle Age, shouldn’t we find other parallels besides personality break-down techniques?

  • Demonisation of the Virus

Much like the Witches in the Middle Ages, the virus is perceived "as the gravest danger" in the current time. Both of these concepts served as a pretext to literally stop the world, and both of these concepts are based on some shady, but at their time supposedly objective science. One could argue that today’s science is totally objective and that there were no mistakes around covid-19 researches in terms of official science, but that wouldn’t be true, considering the fact that a lot of scientists and medical doctors openly doubt covid-19 measures and there were numerous conflict interests surrounding the covid-19 policy. 

  • Rationalisation of draconian measures

As humanity realised in following centuries, the persecution of witches and witchcraft was unjust and para-scientific, but back in the days it was a modus operandi of the religious authority that “were saving the world from witchcraft” and also consequently, gaining a great ruling power. The concept of witchcrafts served as an excuse or better said rationalisation for the draconian Middle Age authority. It’s the similar case today when the 'fight against the virus' serves as an excuse or rationalisation for suspending basics human rights under corona policy.

  • Monopolisation of the discourse

Not just anybody is allowed to interpret covid-science, and no one, of those with scientific or medical degree is allowed to criticise the same covid-science. Monopolising the discourse particularly over a thing which is clearly and crucially embedded in global geopolitics is another thing that the ideology of witchcraft and the virus have in common. In the middle age, that function was carried out by the Bible in Latin and is now being carried by "objective science."

The question of who controls the narrative is the most essential and is connected to all other aspects. Monopolisation of discourse can result in ruling over culture and over every aspect of people’s working, social and personal life. At this point, it doesn’t matter anymore if the official interpretation of something is true or not. In the Middle Ages, people generally knew that the idea of Witchcraft was in fact really a particular form of psychological power-game, at least according to Edward Bever and his book: The Realities of Witchcraft and Popular Magic in Early Modern Europe. Similarly today, is there any real evidence of the existence of the covid-19 and clear and undoubtful justification of corona measures?

  • Control of every aspect of people’s life

Corona measures have under demined every aspect of people’s working, social and personal interactions. Under dubious theories of spreading the virus, there is a program of re-arranging the society, veering off the anticipated technologization. It started with the virus narrative and it will end with a total control over culture and every single human interaction. Sounds like a dystopia and like the Middle Ages’ cleric ideas.

  • “The Great Cleansing of the Virus”

This "returning to school", probably all over the Western world, is similar to Christianisation of Europe (not that there aren’t differences between Christianity in general and Roman-Catholic Church in the Middle Age) in the centuries-long ago. There are proposed rituals, like mass testing or even vaccination, before starting the classes again. In this context, kids and teachers and others would enter the school "clean" of the virus and therefore "safe" from some form of infection, especially because they have supposedly "internalised" social distancing (and mask-wearing and not to mention submission to the authority) in the lockdown period.


The concept of black psychiatry opens a field for in-depth discourse about the covid-19 or covid-1984 designed in the same terms as the Middle Age. Covid policy in general is opening basic questions of human rights and liberties.

Photo: Unsplash, Larm Rmah

Read some more reflections on covid1984:

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